poniedziałek, 30 maja 2022

Self-acceptance podcast progress report 1

Until now, I did a script to our podcast. It's a first epizode so i try not to start with heavy topics. Maybe later, i try to copy this conversation here. Since we started we're taking information about self love, acceptacion, about how to love yourself. And also about therapy, about how peer pressure affect us, and how it could case. This is more heavy topics, but we want to raise them, because we believe it is important. 


It's possible that you once felt that you were losing control over your life, you no longer hold the steering wheel, but sit in the back seat and you can only watch what is happening around you. The pressure builds up, and sometimes in such a situation people turn to the last rush they have control over. That is, their own body. They start to lose weight or hurt themselves to feel that they have control over the course of events.

- Do you hate yourself

 -Maybe we'll change that question. Why do you hate yourself?

 -You see, a lot of people don't like the way they look, behave or who they are. And sometimes they don't even know why they think that.

 - This problem often comes from childhood, peer pressure, frequent comments about us. When people talk about the image, dress, or behavior of others, they don't even realize how such a comment can hurt.

 - People have always talked and will talk. We cannot forbid speaking. But we can do our best to strengthen our psychic.

 -It is a good idea to write down your lessons, emotions and thoughts in a notebook. It is a step towards well-being, it can help you better understand yourself, and it can help you to see your life from a different perspective. This will allow you to formulate conclusions from which you can draw the lesson.

 - It will also allow you to see the progress we made in writing down our lives. It becomes a motivation to continue to act, to pursue the goal of acceptance.

  -We should use constructive criticism and not point out everything as we like, so that we can avoid upsetting someone and adding another brick to the existing problem.

 -Probably for most people enjoying yourself is abusrd, how can indulging yourself in physical pain help with emotional pain? For many people such behavior may be associated with masochism. 

-People don't cut themselves to feel pain, they do it to feel relief. Relief from physical pain also works for emotional pain. This is called pain offset relife.

 -Interestingly, unfortunately, anorexia goes hand in hand with self-mutilation. 4 out of 5 people who injured themselves had episodes with an eating disorder.

 -Eating disorders often result from comparisons with other people. We want to equal them and show ourselves and others that we can too. We think we are in control of the situation and we are in control of everything. However, we lost control when we started to think about it.

  -We need to start thinking about others, but most of all about ourselves.

 -Everyone should focus on themselves. About how they feel, what they can do to feel better, or just think about what they can do to accept themselves. This is the first step to success. And that success is self-love.

 -This process takes a long time. But I think it's worth it.

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