niedziela, 12 czerwca 2022

How to do sth out of nothing (progress report 2)

In general Natasza gave the idea about what the animation would be. Natasza and Kornelia designed the look and "script". We drew the final part of the animation in different styles, we discussed how it should look like. Martyna made the prototype and the final animation is in works. 

poniedziałek, 6 czerwca 2022

Inspiring Ivry: Progress report 2

I began the work on the last part of the blog.
It's about the relics of the communist past of French towns.
It's not finished, only about 20% of the post is done, so I'll need to work a lot at home in order to finish in time.

About travel prototype

 This is my film

I made this video with my cousin who lives in America so i had to speak english with him, he showed me how to make a short video with some apps( some of them are paid and some are free)